Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 8

Our last full day in Asia....absolutely terrible. We were met in the lobby early morning around 9am by 5 girls from a local university. They were here to show us around their home town. We went all over Taipei including a historical district, a temple, Taipei 101, a small restaurant ran by an old married couple. It was a great day. At the temple I prayed to the most powerful god and asked if I would make it back to Asia. The response was I would make it back under my own power, so I have that going for me which is nice. Taipei 101 is the 3rd tallest building in the world, which is very impressive. However the inside is a 5 story mall, and I do not enjoy going to malls for any reason let alone to waist time until dinner. But it was cool to see the similarities and differences. We had a very nice buffet dinner to conclude out trip. It was really great, they had almost anything you could think of, Asian food related, and unlimited drinks. It was a perfect way to end our trip. 

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