Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 4

On the agenda was Mitsubishi and JFE factories. We went to Mitsubishi first and toured around the making of the division tag dealt with putting on axles and windows for some of their cars. We then had a Q&A with the man that showed us around, through a translator though. 
Afterwards we headed to the JFE steel factory, which was absolutely incredible. We went through the area where they take the steel from a huge square, kind of like a Klondike bar, and flattened it out into a thin sheet. The steel comes out at 2200degrees  Celsius before it is cooled and flattened. We were about 15 meters away from the steel up in a walkway and it was so hot my eyes started to hurt. The steel then cools off and sits for a while at a temperature around 700degrees Celsius. We then came back to Okayama U and had a small get together with some students. 
Later that night I went to go bowl with the guys and Hiro which was fun. We ran into a Japanese teenager with a Raleigh NC short on and yelled at him so we got a picture with him. The. Off to sleep at 12 so we could catch the Shinkansen at 7:30ish the next morning. 

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