Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 9

The day we left Asia. We had to wake up at 4:30 in a morning and after some lay overs and other things gone array. It took about 31 hour to get back to Boone. Then I had to wake up and be on campus at 10:20 for my stats class. I miss Asia. 

Day 8

Our last full day in Asia....absolutely terrible. We were met in the lobby early morning around 9am by 5 girls from a local university. They were here to show us around their home town. We went all over Taipei including a historical district, a temple, Taipei 101, a small restaurant ran by an old married couple. It was a great day. At the temple I prayed to the most powerful god and asked if I would make it back to Asia. The response was I would make it back under my own power, so I have that going for me which is nice. Taipei 101 is the 3rd tallest building in the world, which is very impressive. However the inside is a 5 story mall, and I do not enjoy going to malls for any reason let alone to waist time until dinner. But it was cool to see the similarities and differences. We had a very nice buffet dinner to conclude out trip. It was really great, they had almost anything you could think of, Asian food related, and unlimited drinks. It was a perfect way to end our trip. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 7

Out first morning in Taiwan!! The differences between Japan and Taiwan are astonishing. One is all about being on time and being proper, the other is all about being laid back and just going with the flow. We spent the day going site seeing. Our first stop was this incredible memorial plaza with two huge orange roofed structures on the sides, a giant white with wall with entrances and at the end was the Taiwanese version of Abe Lincoln. This is the area were Brandon and I found a Taiwanese drum corps, we stayed behind from the group to talk with them. We missed out on the jade market but we got to talk our passion with people from a different country!!! From there Brandon and I had to navigate our way through the subway system and head over to Taipei 101, the third tallest building in the world, we managed fairly well and did not get lost. After 101 we started to head to the National Palace museum, but the girls were too tired so they went back to the hotel, and off the boys went but we had Chuck to help us out. I can't remember if I stated it or not, but I call Dr. Chen by Chuck, because his name is Charlie. The museum was alright, they are usually boring but if you add the fact you can't read makes it even more! But we still had fun walking around and just looking at the pieces. Outside while we waited for Chuck to finish his work Brandon and I started this thing that we call "The Taiwan Bomb", it is a backwards photo bomb. Confused? It is simple, all you do is walk up to a random person and take a selfie, or a self shot, and thank them then walk away. It is almost too much fun. The night was spent hanging out with this girl we talked to on the bus, thanks to the Taiwan Bomb. We went to a curry place for dinner then a German based pub and had some drinks. The rest of the group went to sleep, but not me and Brandon, we went off to find a night club. We met some random  students outside of a seven eleven; some Taiwanese, others America even a few from Europe, and we hangout with them until the early morning. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Day 5

FREEEEEE day. We didn't have anything planned at all so the group decided to go to Kyoto, Sam went to Tokyo. Also one of the girls from the University, Sayumi or as she wanted to be called Yunyun, came with us. Kyoto was incredible we visited Kiyomizu, a temple, and a stone garden. Later that night we had a going away party at a restaurant, we had the entire back to ourselves. The party was great beachside everyone was so sad to see us go, they basically fed us alcohol one after another. Sake, Kirin beer and Sapporo were only some of the things given to us. After that a few of us Americans and a handful of Japanese students went to go sing karaoke. It was the perfect way to end our stay on Japan, minus being able to stay for longer. 

Day 6

I miss Japan already. We had to leave the Tsushima club which is where we stayed at 6:30 so we could catch out plane at 1:05 in Osaka. A day filled with traveling, our final destination is Taiwan. We walked around Taipei and ate at a toilet themed restaurant. Afterwards Brandon and I got lost and it took an hour to get back to the hotel. However it was pretty fun just walking around. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Practicing English

A group of girls were with their teacher and they have a book where they talk to strangers and take a picture with signatures. These two talked to me and Brandon. 

Day 4

On the agenda was Mitsubishi and JFE factories. We went to Mitsubishi first and toured around the making of the division tag dealt with putting on axles and windows for some of their cars. We then had a Q&A with the man that showed us around, through a translator though. 
Afterwards we headed to the JFE steel factory, which was absolutely incredible. We went through the area where they take the steel from a huge square, kind of like a Klondike bar, and flattened it out into a thin sheet. The steel comes out at 2200degrees  Celsius before it is cooled and flattened. We were about 15 meters away from the steel up in a walkway and it was so hot my eyes started to hurt. The steel then cools off and sits for a while at a temperature around 700degrees Celsius. We then came back to Okayama U and had a small get together with some students. 
Later that night I went to go bowl with the guys and Hiro which was fun. We ran into a Japanese teenager with a Raleigh NC short on and yelled at him so we got a picture with him. The. Off to sleep at 12 so we could catch the Shinkansen at 7:30ish the next morning. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Onsen and conveyer belt sushi

We went to an onsen last night which is a naked bath house and you get into high temperature jacuzzis. It was a bit interesting but still pretty fun. After we got out it felt as though our insides were washes clean. 
We then went next door to a sushi place were Alan, enhance student from KU, and Brandon ate about 30 plates or so. Each plate being 90yen which is about 90 cents. Each plate had 2 of whatever we picked up of the line. I felt like Rodney Dangerfield in caddy shack when he walks into the pro shop, I'll take 2 of these 6 of those, it was fantastic. 

Day 3

We started out our day with going to the Okayama castle and garden. The garden was breathe taking and although the castle has been rebuilt since its destruction in WWII, it was still incredible. 
Once inside the castle we were allowed to put in kimonos. I was actually able to be paired up with one of the Japanese girls...awesome. Afterwards we made ceramics, I chose a cup. Later in the day we went to the shrine of momotaru who is a legend in Japan for uniting two areas of the country. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

People coming to App

I just learned last night that Taru and Hiro are coming to App in the fall!!!

We are going to have all the fun

Day 2

I am in love with this country!!!!!!! We toured Osaka with Yabe Sensaei seeing as much as possible. After spending the morning in Osaka we took the bullet train, shinkansen, to Okayama to meet everyone. It was a bit overwhelming at first, because everyone was so excited to meet us. There were a few exchange students from home including Alan who is from KU. We got to meet all the people in the group and they fought us a traditional dance that we all did together at the end of the meeting. After eating dinner with everyone Alan came back with Brandon and myself to show us around a little bit and give us the inside scoop from an America place. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 1

We got into Japan yesterday, absolutely nuts. After we got to the airport in Osaka we came to the station hotel. It is really nice but very small as I was informed before hand. The bathroom is the smallest part, I felt like Will Ferrel in Elf when he took a shower because I was too tall. I was also too tall for the mirror to shave my face, so I had to bend over at the waist and shave.

Friday, May 10, 2013

I have been in band since 6th grade. I am currently in the marching band at Appalachian State as the tenor section leader.
I am the second of four boys in my family, all of which play sports of all kinds.
I am a sophomore studying business management